
When using a university vehicle in Mexico, you must purchase a Mexican Auto Insurance Policy; this is required by the Mexican law. 

U.S. citizens driving in Mexico are subject to Mexican laws. The laws in Mexico that govern the operation of a motor vehicle are different than those in the States. Even a minor vehicle accident in Mexico can have serious consequences. In the event of an accident, the extent to which you will be able to deal with the problems that will arise relies on the precautions that you take and the planning you do before you leave. 

Request for Mexican Auto Insurance Process - Allow at least 10 Business Days 

  • The unit undertaking the trip completes, approves and signs the Request for Mexican Automobile Insurance form. Contact UCSC Risk Services for a copy of the form. 
  • UCSC Risk Services will forward the approved form to MacAfee & Edwards
  • UCSC Risk Services will also prepare an Authorization to Drive UC Vehicle in Mexico letter and forward it to the unit
  • MacAfee & Edwards will prepare the insurance policy and forward the insurance policy and invoice to the unit
  • The unit is responsible for paying the invoice directly to MacAfee & Edwards
  • Employees must carry the Mexican Auto Insurance Policy and the Authorization to Drive UC Vehicle in Mexico letter in the vehicle while traveling in Mexico