
Risk Services offers resources for programs and activities involving with minors. We work with campus programs individually to address abuse prevention. Contact us to get started!  

We can help with
  • Training, online or in person
  • Development and review of policies and procedures
  • Risk mangement as relates to abuse prevention
Online Training for the Prevention of Abuse of Minors 
  • Go to the UC Learning Center 
  • After log in, go to the Library in the upper left corner; the Library icon looks like books
  • Choose Risk Services and browse the courses
  • Find the CANRA Training for Mandated Reporters course by searching for "CANRA"
UC Policies

Minors in Laboratories and Shops includes a waiver for minors in laboratories and shops.

University Policy - Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect - CANRA - requires that employers of Mandated Reporters (as defined in the Act) promote identification and reporting of child abuse or neglect. It is the policy of the university to comply with its obligation under the Act.